May 15, 2006

GDP and the Silent Treatment

posted by Will Wilson @ 1:29 pm

Iowa’s Tom Miller has taken the lead in the awful AG game SupraJurisdictional Sweep. Mr. Miller sued Vertrue, Inc. (aka MemberWorks or MWI), alleging that the Connecticut-based company had broken Iowa law by charging customers without their knowledge.

And how are the customers made unaware of their charges? Miller suggests that some customers “may assume that an unexpected charge was incurred by another member of the household.” In other words, national businesses are liable when Iowa family members stop talking to each other. Most financial experts agree that the operation of the national economy should depend on the family dynamics of Iowans.

Maybe all states should adopt this policy. It would work like when the babysitter suggests a “game” to see who can be quietest for the longest. And the winner will get a huge transfer payment from the national cookie jar.