December 18, 2006

At Least Know the Law

posted by Will Wilson @ 12:23 pm

One argument in favor of hyperactive AGs runs, “AGs have a special insight regarding the affairs of their particular state’s constituents.” While we doubt that pharmaceuticals or SUVs act any differently in each state, we’ll give them the benefit of the doubt for the moment. However, it is becoming terribly clear that AGs have very little insight into federal law, not to mention the finer points of the services and industries the AGs want to police. Consider West Virginia’s recent press release regarding cell phones and the Do Not Call list; the release was based on an urban legend concerning the federal law. Anyone the least familiar with cell phone use or with the federal law would have spotted the hoax.

AG Watch considers this a thumbnail sketch of the AGs’ lack of familiarity with the U.S. Code. Roughriders AGs don’t know the federal statutes or best business practices because they are usually too busy negotiating slice-o’-the-pie settlements to actually do much lawyering or much global good.