The Federalism Project

American Enterprise Institute

Michael S. Greve
John G. Searle Scholar, AEI

Research Areas Federalism
Constitutional Law
Environmental Policy
Internet Regulation

Co-Founder and Executive Director, Center for Individual Rights, 1989-2000
Adjunct Professor, Cornell University, 1994
Resident Scholar, Washington Legal Foundation, 1988-1989
Program Officer, Smith Richardson Foundation, 1986-1988

Books Real Federalism: Why It Matters, How It Could Happen, 1999
The Demise of Environmentalism in American Law, 1996
Environmental Politics: Public Costs, Private Rewards, coeditor, contributor, 1992

Articles Wall Street Journal
Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy
Policy Review
Public Interest
ABA Journal
Legal Times
Weekly Standard
National Review
Public Speaking Speaks before law associations, trade associations, government and academic audiences.
Has testified before congressional committees.

Education Ph.D., Government, Cornell University
M.A., Government, Cornell University
Diploma, University of Hamburg, Germany

Office phone 202.862.4874
Office fax 202.862.7178
E-mail [email protected]